Personal Development - The Ultimate Vision of What You Can Be

Word count:4750

hey this is Leo for actualised org and you know what I've been thinking about right now is I've been thinking about how to really articulate what actualize data really is about and kind of what it is that we're doing here and how it's a little bit different than other personal development sources that are out there from books to seminars to cds to other websites and blogs on on this topic of personal development and what i've been really thinking about is you know how do i really articulate it what is it that i mean by personal development and why am i so excited about it and what is it that I want from you and one thing that I know that I definitely want from you is I want the same excitement in your life about personal development that I have and I'm trying to figure out how to communicate this and I had this idea and the idea I had is that I remember a long time ago when I was when I was a teenager I really used to be into remote control cars remote control remote control vehicles and remote control helicopters I really loved helicopters and I used to own a big gas helicopter at one point Islands and electric helicopters I never got really good at them but it was just such a damn expensive hobby at the time that I just thought about that and I remember looking and seeing videos online about really good RC helicopter pilots and the kind of crazy stuff that they were able to do like you can actually probably go right now and search on youtube or on Google for some like RC helicopter stunt flying and some of the crazy stuff that they're able to do literally you can see a video of like a 14 year old kid who takes this little remote-control helicopter and it's not even one of those big expensive ones it's like a little electric one and you see him doing the most ridiculous insane things like you can't even imagine the kind of things that this guy's able to do he's able to do backflips he's able to fly it upside down in Reverse like through the wind spirals just like all sorts of stuff like really low to the ground high up in the air it's just nuts and I thought about that and I wondered you know that was cool and even though I didn't ever get even close to that level well the reason I thought about that we because that's kind of what I want for you with personal development and I also was thinking about you know what what are the different facets of personal development and what specifically do I even mean by that word because it tends to be pretty abstract and I think it tends to lose its meaning when I use it so you know I want to distinguish it from for example learning how to do nutrition and I want to distinguish it from learning how to do fitness like fitness exercises and I was thinking about all these ideas and what I came up with was this idea that personal development is really about learning how to master yourself so it's a process of self mastery and it's mastering your own psychology and it's understanding how your brain functions and how to get the best performance out of your brain and then your body and then your life right it's how to create an awesome life but ultimately what I find that boils down to and what personal development is for me is about understanding your own psychology because the reason that you're not having that awesome life the reason that you're not getting the success in life that you want and then this bubbles out into all sorts of other areas you can bubble out into nutrition and fitness and everything else in relationships but ultimately the reason you're having problems there is because you're not understanding your own psychology you don't have the facility and the control of your own psychology that you need to get those things in place and what I equated that to and I created this analogy in my mind is I'm like it's almost like me learning how to fly a helicopter right when I first started flying a helicopter for me it was challenging just to get the thing to hover and lift up off the ground why because actually if you've ever tried flying or helicopters those things are pretty difficult to learn to fly and it's really costly when you make a mistake at least it was maybe 10 years ago nowadays I see them selling little a little very flimsy RC helicopters for like 50 bucks and you can practice with those really easy but when your helicopter cost a hundred dollars and it cost a a thousand dollars rather and when it cost a hundred dollars just to replace one blade if you broke that and that blade broke if it basically touched anything whether touched the ground or touched a tree or anything furniture in your house then it basically broke so it's really hard to learn fly and I remember just spending hours and hours just like lifting the helicopter just a few feet off the ground just up and down and up and down and even there I managed to break blades and how challenging that was and it was almost like you know I was learning this machine this complicated machine and I wanted to be able to do some of those advanced maneuvers like flying upside down and doing these cartwheels and all this cool stuff but I was having difficulty just flying the thing straight and keeping it steady and not crashing into things and I think that's really what our condition is in life is that we're born with this incredible body and we're born with this incredible brain bye bye estimates from neuroscientists right now the brain is the most complex organism / machine that we know in the universe and of course we don't know we haven't explored too many planets so that's a pretty advanced statement to make but it is the most complex thing that we know of on earth and it's really fascinating because you've got hundreds of billions of neurons and they're all interconnected all working and then of course you've got layers and layers of operating system and different instincts and emotions and logic and all this stuff that evolved over millions of years and we've got this software in our brain and now we're here we're trying to live our everyday lives and we're trying to accomplish certain things with our lives whether it's to build a business to have a lot of money to have a time to travel or to build an awesome family life you know whatever it might be you're trying to build those things but ultimately you're doing it through the machinery that you've got and what do you really have you have this body you've got this brain and you're trying to figure out how to use these tools that you just kind of ended up having being born with them and you end up kind of just on your own trying to figure out how it works I forget what book it was but somewhere in some personal development book somebody talked about the fact that you're born with this brain and you're born as a human being an instruction manual and I thought you know that's that's a really good analogy it's kind of like trying to learn a helicopter right and you don't really know how you don't have an instruction manual and so you have to just kind of figure it out on your own you're just like going by touch-and-go and by instinct and you're doing doing a lot of experimentation and you're using the process of trial and error to learn how it works and that's what I found basically I've been doing in my life up to this point is doing a lot of trial and error a lot a lot of error figuring out how to get my finances up in order how to get my nutrition handled how to get the kind of exciting life that I want how to get the fulfillment in life that I just intuitively know I can get but I haven't been able to tap into yet so for me that's been kind of the driving force is just knowing that I think there's something big out there that's possible that awesome awesome kind of life or I feel super excited engaged all the time and I'm just now starting to tap into that with all the stuff that I've been learning and implementing and so if we make this analogy between you learning how to use your brain and your body and somebody learning to use and to fly a remote-control helicopter I think that is what I talked about with personal development and I think the biggest bottleneck for us as humans is learning how to get the results that we want and how to get the fulfillment that we want is learning our own psychology because when we're born we don't get an instruction manual and even though modern society is really good about teaching us mathematics and it's good about teaching us language and it's good about teaching US history and science and all these cool subjects that we learn in school in the end I feel like we're really lacking right now in an education in psychology and not the psychology that you learn in psychology like freshman college courses in psychology like psychology 101 but I mean practical psychology psychology that you can apply in the real world like the psychology of what it takes to manage a good relationship the psychology involved in managing an intimate relationship the psychology involved with raising kids and being a parent the psychology involved with running a business and being a leader the psychology involved with making yourself happy not stressing yourself out having nice balance between work and play in your life and then the psychology of managing your money and the psychology of communicating with other people and convincing them of your ideas being able to do that and then of course just a psychology of managing your own thoughts and expectations and moods and feelings that's also really big and so I feel like this psychology is lacking and in fact I think it's almost like it's not just that people aren't teaching us these things I think it's even worse than that it's in fact that people are teaching us the wrong things because when you grow up with siblings and you grow up with friends and you grew up with with your family generally what I find is that your your surrounding environment the people that you're growing up around they are not a familiar with the principles of psychological mastery they haven't mastered that psychology within themselves and they set a very poor demonstration for you when you're growing up as to how all this stuff works so what I find is that as you're growing up you get conditioned with a lot of bad habits a lot of God patterns one example is worrying all the time another example is being very critical and judgmental of other people and also yourself other example is various limiting beliefs that people grow up with limiting beliefs a lot of them revolve around money limiting beliefs about what you're capable of and what you deserve in life limiting beliefs about how good you feel you are innately you know how lovable you feel you are what you feel you need to do in order to be loved and feel loved so I think there's a lot there that we get conditioned with that is negative and that's flat-out false and just not true as far as your psychology is concerned and so not only do you not get a manual it's like you get a manual that teaches you the opposite of what you should be knowing and should be learning it's like you were trying to learn how to fly that helicopter and not only didn't you have a manual I handed you Emmanuel I said look this is the manual for flight a helicopter and in that manual I specifically deliberately put in the wrong things how hard would your life be then it would be twice as hard and that's kind of how it is with us humans especially if you were not very privileged to grow up in a kind of an enlightened family that was studying the stuff and that's more aware so it kind of depends on your circumstances but I feel like most people growing up just don't have the luxury of having good role models and so unless you are immersed in personal development literature and you really go on this journey of figuring out how this stuff works and what the real truth is about some of these limiting beliefs and how psychology really works on a practical level not a theoretical level then it's really hard to be fulfilled with life because you get caught up in traps you get caught up in the trap of seeking external validation you get caught up in the trap of that hamster wheel of keeping up with the Joneses trying to get material things thinking that they're gonna make you happy when they don't so try and like one-up your neighbors one-up your friends and then only later in life realizing that that doesn't work then you can get caught in the trap of success so being successful with with your business or being successful in your career and just going after the money because you think the money will eventually lead you somewhere a nice and pleasant and you end up realizing that that often ends up being a big letdown and just all sorts of themes like this just I can rattle off lists and lists of them so what ends up happening is that you fall into these traps because you haven't been given good examples and you're just kind of going along and you don't know any better you haven't really studied this stuff and so I think that's what I mean by personal development is that we want to give you psychological self mastery on a practical level not a theoretical level that means what I want for you is I want for you to be able to manage your expectations I want you to be able to manage your negative emotions I want you to be able to create beliefs in yourself that are going to make you really empowered and I'm gonna allow you to go out there and be really successful and get whatever you want in your life and I want you to be able to set goals properly understand how to do that I want you to understand how relationships really work and how to get a lot of enjoyment out of your relationships while taking out all the frustration of relationship which are so common and I want you to understand the importance of fitness and nutrition which again often for those two things - fitness nutrition and and also exercise those we oftentimes get set with bad examples for those as well from our parents and siblings and and just the media in general so all of these things I want you to understand on a deep psychological level and I want you to develop mastery of them so that you can do with your mind what that 14 year old kid on YouTube can do with helicopter that guy who's practiced that helpline that helicopter for all of his life and he can now do barrel rolls and fly it backwards and upside down and do all sorts of tricks and maneuvers I want you to be able to do that with yourself and think of the equivalent if you could do that with your body who would you be you would be like an Olympic gymnast right if you could have with a body you would be an athlete if you could do those kind of African acrobatic maneuvers but what if you could do that with your mind what if you could do backflips with your mind what if you could do barrel rolls with your mind what does that mean well I think to me that is the ultimate vision of why I do personal development is in the hope that I can reach that point it's after a while is that I can develop the sort of proficiency in my own psychology I can master myself so well I can master my own emotions I can master my own thoughts I can master basically my body through my mind that I am able to accomplish amazing things I can get anything that I want in life I can make myself feel good by getting the things that I want I can get those two things to align and match up which few people are able to do and I'm able to manage my relationships my health and basically I'm able to get the most out of this mind-body combination that I was born with and I'm able to create the most awesome life that's possible for me and then I'm able to die with no regrets knowing that I gave it my all I figured it out I mastered myself and I accomplished a lot and in the process doing all of that I'm able to contribute to society and I'm able to put smiles on people's faces because when I my mind and I master mind body and I master my life that puts me suddenly in a position to be able to go out and help others do the same with their lives and for me that's really easy because I'm in personal development so that's the direct application for you you can also do that because we're going to be good at your career you're going to be able to go out there to contribute and help others and that's what I ultimately want for all of us to be doing so if you're a doctor you can be a better doctor if you're a lawyer you can be a better lawyer if you're an engineer you can better be a better engineer if you're a teacher you can be a better teacher if you're a businessman you can be a better businessman whatever your passion is in life in order to really live into that passion I think there are things you need to master about yourself and that all starts with the psychology right you want to develop a manual and what I want for you is I want for you to develop a manual for yourself I want you to teach yourself how to master your own psychology and that manual I think there's two elements to it one is that we are all very similar because we have the same genetic makeup and were all human beings were all part of the same species some of us are very similar in personality type some of us have the same values so in that sense we have very similar psychologies and in that sense whatever works for one person tends to work across the board right one example of this is for example we've just been biologically through evolution we have hardwiring that makes us appreciate nature for example it's very hard to find a human being I challenge you to find a human being across the planet who is not gonna feel some emotional connection when they go out and see something beautiful in nature like an amazing sunset or the Grand Canyon or something like that and you know why that is that's because we grew up in those environments and we have we have neural wiring for that we would much rather be out looking at the Grand Canyon than we would sitting in in in a sterile white room right because that's more natural that's our natural environment and that's part of our psychology and understanding that is important right because maybe right now you are sitting in a cubicle and you're feeling like your life is not quite as as as fulfilling as it could be and maybe the reason that is because you're just not going outside enough and you're not connecting with nature enough which is where you grow up you grew up in a natural environment not in a cubicle so maybe that's one example right and I think that there's many examples and that's the reason that personal development can work and that's the reason that we have these principles of success and principles of fulfillment because for many people I can give you a principle that's going to apply almost to everyone which is going to be important for fulfillment and if you're breaking that principle and you don't even realize it then you're gonna be frustrated because you're gonna be wondering why am I not fulfilled and the reason you're not fulfilled is because you're breaking these principles and you're not following certain other principles so there's that I want you to learn these principles and I want you to master them and apply them and build habits around them but then I also of course want you to personalize this to you because even though you are a human being and we're all very similar and you could say we're all the same on some level you can also say we're very different on another level because we are all so unique and there's nobody out there that's quite like you nobody out there that quite has the same experiences as you quite set has the same programming that you've had growing up right and even biologically you have differences you have different you have different races you have different personality types you have introverts and extroverts and you have people with different Happiness set points and you have people with different diseases and conditions and psychological makeups and then of course on top of that you're adding layers of conditioning that you get through through childhood and then through adolescence and then through early adulthood so you've got all those factors which make you very unique and that means that certain things not going to work for you quite the same way as they do for other people and then of course you have your own intentions that you're throwing it on top of that you have your own preferences you have your own goals you have your own situation you have your own life going on and your life is different than everybody else is out there so when you're creating this manual for flying your metaphorical helicopter and doing backflips what you got to take into account is that it is a helicopter but then you know so you're gonna go in there and you're gonna fill in some of the basics all helicopters work in the same way but then also you're gonna put in your own twist on this stuff you're gonna take your own psychology and you're gonna take your own values and you're gonna see what works for you what doesn't work for you and you're basically gonna go in there and write this manual yourself and my job is to help you figure out what you need to put into the manual and figure that out for yourself because I don't want to let the manual for you that would be wrong I can't do that because I'm not you the only one that can write the manual is you I can just help you look and see you have the right things in the manual that you need and in fact I think my biggest role is not even telling you these things I think my biggest role is just inspiring you with this grand idea to go out there and write this manual this is something that's important because if someone doesn't tell you to do this it takes a while to figure it out on your own you kind of have to really stumble upon it and some people never figure it out they end up wasting all their years in their life struggling and being frustrated through all this stuff and then dying full of regrets not even realizing that they never had a manual or that they could write their own manual or a lot of people go through their life using the manual of their friends or their parents which ends up being wrong for them or they could grab a manual from some book or some website or some seminar and just try to copy it wholesale and just steal that manual and use it and then find out that that's not giving them the results they want either and so it just leads to a lot of frustration what I want to really end on here is this vision because what I got excited about when I thought about this helicopter analogy is how cool would it be to be able to do the analog of doing those amazing backflips and having that mastery of control of this machine and I thought well the only thing cooler than like that is being able to do it with your mind it's so awesome to see athletes do that with their bodies when you're watching the Olympics or you're watching some playoff in the NFL or the NBA or when you're watching a gymnast do his thing and be really awesome that's cool to see with the body but I think that not all of us care so much about being athletic in that way but I think all of us want to be more athletic and nimble inside our minds because we are there you can't run away from yourself you can't really escape yourself so this is something that you're going to be stuck with whether even you want to or not the question is do you want to be mediocre of a mental athlete or do you really want to master yourself mash your mind I think about all the awesomeness that that could lead to think of the peak experiences that you could have when you really master your own psychology when you really understand it and how you could contribute to the world the kind of feelings you can get from being both successful but then really figuring out the fulfillment part because for me the fulfillment is what's important there are so many people out there that are successful but then don't have the happiness don't have the feelings with it that they want or they feel like they're not excited about life like they're bored with life even though they've made millions of dollars and they started a bunch of businesses and they've contributed to a bunch of charities they still feel empty so for me figuring out how to connect those two together is the Holy Grail and for me the Holy Grail is that picture of doing those acrobatics in the air but you're not doing it with a remote-control helicopter you're doing it with your life that to me is why I do personal development and I hope you're on board with that vision all right I'm gonna wrap it up there if you like this leave your comments down below share it like it link to it I really want to spread this message around I want to hear from you I want to hear what you think about this and what you want to add on to it so go ahead share it and I look forward to talking to you soon you